Dual PowerPlus Cable Connectors

Part Listings & Specifications

Dual PowerPlus Cable Connectors

Part #DescriptionInsulating CoverStud Height AStud Height B
BS-20162 x 5/16″ -18 Studs with InsulatorsYes38.1mm38.1mm
BS-20161002 x 5/16″ -18 Studs38.1mm38.1mm
BS-20172 x 3/8″ -16 Studs with InsulatorsYes41.3mm41.3mm
BS-20171002 x 3/8″ -16 Studs41.3mm41.3mm
BS-20181 x 5/16″ -18 Stud, 1 x 3/8″ -16 Stud with InsulatorsYes38.1mm41.3mm
BS-20181001 x 5/16″ -18 Stud, 1 x 3/8″ -16 Stud38.1mm41.3mm

Note: Specifications subject to change without notice.

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